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Home of Hope News

April 1, 2024   by Edith Lukwabe
Children's Infections Brought Under Control

32 children received medical services during the period under review and these were treated of illness such as flue, cough and malaria however, there has also been an out brake of Red eyes in the entire country and at Home of Hope, some of the children who have been identified with the infection have been isolated and managed by the health team. Care givers have also been sensitised on how the infection is transmitted and how best to control. As a result, there has been a reduction in the rate of infection especially among the children.

Some of the care givers identified with red eyes have been given time off and free medication to enable them manage their conditions, this has helped minimize the level of infection among the children. The increased number of children infected was as a result of cross infection.

During the period under review, 32 two children were treated with different conditions ranging from malaria,
respiratory tract infections among others. Some of the treated children have healed while others are still undergoing treatment and are greatly improving and are still on treatment.

Early identification and isolation of the infected children helps control the rapid spread of the infections.
Care givers on night shift have also been cautioned the management of the children at night.


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