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Home of Hope News

May 1, 2024   by Edith Lukabwe
Home of Hope Outreach Clinics a Success!
Outreach Clinic
Above is Social Worker Steven educating beneficiaries
of the programme before receiving medication
Much as there has been price fluctuations of drugs in the market, the number of beneficiaries from the Centre clinic has kept on growing. This is attributed to the testimonies of improvement in the condition of patients due to access to the medication.

During the outreach clinics new clients are prepared to cope with the fact that their condition is a permanent situation and also prepared to overcome the challenges they meet in the community due to their condition.

Consistency in uptake of the medication reduces the risks of attacks among patients and attending the outreach clinics in person helps the clients share with the medical team on their condition and also forge a way forward.

Our Outreach clinics give an opportunity to people in the hard to reach areas have access to free therapy sessions and also get equipped with therapy techniques which they apply on the children while at home.

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